2nd Night - The Roland Grundmann Source

Recording Date: 31. May 1968
Audience Recording
Taper: Roland Grundmann (Vienna, Austria)
Tapefinder: Manfred Breiteneder (Austria)
Original Source: cassette
Total Time: 51:57
Quality: good
Availability: in circulation

Manfred Breiteneder 2009: Der Taper hieß Roland Grundmann, er starb im November 1998, 48-jährig, an den Folgen schwerer Diabetes. Mein bester Freund kannte Roland Grundmann schon eine Weile (beide große Schallplattensammler aus Wien), und so wurde ich eines Tages, laut meinem Freund ca. 1982, auch zu einem Treffen eingeladen. Also dürfte ich das Tape dann ca. 1983 zum Kopieren bekommen haben, und seit jener Zeit zirkuliert es auch (Kees De Lange war einer der ersten Tauschpartner). Ich habe das Konzert damals auf eine TDK-Metal-Cassette überspielt. Roland konnte natürlich vieles erzählen (er sah Hendrix auch auf der Isle Of Wight !); ich kann mich eigentlich an nicht viel erinnern, außer an das "Bierdeckel-Schmeißen".

Bezüglich der Cassette weiß ich ganz genau, daß das komplette Konzert auf beiden Seiten aufgenommen war. Roland verwendete damals wahrscheinlich - so wie auch für Wien 69 - eine C-120. Aber ob es wirklich eine C-120, oder vielleicht doch nur eine C-90 war, kann ich leider nicht mehr sagen. Ich denke mal, daß es original genauso darauf war, wie ich es kopiert habe - ich bin da sehr pingelig (also Hey Joe am Beginn der Seite B) ! Mein Freund bestätigte mir gestern noch, daß auch die Animals darauf waren. Wenn das Original-Tape überhaupt noch existiert, dann wird es vielleicht - wie meistens - auf irgendeinem Speicher "dahin siechen".Übrigens hat ein Freund von Roland auch ein paar Super 8 Aufnahmen gemacht (ca. 2-3 Minuten Traffic, und dann ca. 3 Minuten Jimi ! Den Namen des Filmers weiß ich leider nicht).

JIMPRES 99 Autumn 2012
The longest circulating source (51:57) for this show has been bootlegged several times in varying quality; it is the most complete and has the best sound quality of the three. This recording from 31 May was taped by Roland Grundmann. It is known as the "first source" by virtue of circulating first. This tape captures all of the songs by the Experience from that night, although ther is a short cut in "Red House" where apparently the cassette change occurs. At least two copies of the master are in circulation: a first-generation copy and a second-generation copy that does not descend from it. The second-generation copy derives from a first-generation cassette copy in the possession of Manfred Breiteneder, who passed on a second-generation tape copy to Marcel Aeby (the first-generation Breiteneder tape is not currently in circulation). This copy of the tape, or higher analog generations of it, was used for the  

Beat Monster Concert (B663)

and Jimi in Zurich (B971) bootlegs.

The separate first-generation copy differs in some details from the other copy, and was used (in poorer quality) for the Monster bootleg (B613).

It was also widely circulated in November 2009 on the internet by an individual who commented that he received in in trade around 1982 from the taper itself.

This copy continues a little longer at the very end, including seven extra seconds of MC Giorgio Frapolli's closing speech. Also, the gap at the 9:34 mark in "Red House" due to the master tape side change is of slightly different lenght, as woul be expected of separate analog transfersof the master where each copy is made individually. The other two sources provide the missing bit of the song lost by this side change, and reveal that about 27 seconds of music is lost at this point.

A third difference involves the tape side break on the two versions. When Grundmann made tape copies from his master, he apparently decided to place the side break for the copies after "Red House" rather than at the original side change during the song. He therefore placed the end of the song at the end of side 1 on the copies, and introduced another break after the song where the copies themselves changed sides. Once again, since each copy was done individually, this cut occurs at slightly different places on the two copies. Using both copies it is possible to reconstruct the tape so that it lacks this introduced cut, since the duration of the missing audio is very briet (less than a second). The different placement of this secondary cut also confirms that the two version derive separately from the Grundmann master, and that the master changed sides at the cut during "Red House." Finally, there are some right-channel drop-outs during the first 25 seconds of Side 2 of the second generation version which are not on the separate first-generation copy.

SIDE 1 (22:44)

- Introduction by Giorgio Frapolli
- Voodoo Child (Slight Return) (23) 4:47
- Stone Free (10) 1:01
- Bierteckel Speach by Giorgio Frapolli
- I Don't Live Today (14) 3:41
- Red House (20) (part 1) 9:34

SIDE 2 (27:13)

- Red House (20) (part 2) 2:39 (total song timing 12:13)
- Hey Joe (30) 3:44
- Foxy Lady (31) 4:14
- Manic Depression (7) 3:47)
- Fire (25) 3:09
- Purple Haze (40) 6:07
- Farewell by Giorgio Frapolli

1 Kommentar:

  1. End of october 2015 I tried to find Manfred but there was no trace of him at his (old) address.I really thought that he was dead for years...yesterday he ordered two of my new books from me and we had a long conversation on the phone like in the old days.
